In an attempt to beat a hate-mongering student demon to the punch, the cupid hits you with a super-charged love arrow that turns you into a Casanova, equipped with irresistible love pheromones that bring every teenage girl for miles swarming to you. In Gal*Gun: Double Peace, you play as a high school student who has a life-changing supernatural encounter with a student cupid. In Gal*Gun, this chemical X is deliciously-shameless Japanese fan service via more pantsu, oppai, and cute squealing kohai than you’ll know what to do with.
Even so, after franchises like Sin and Punishment and House of the Dead have taken the genre to its highs, a new rail shooter would need some special hook to make it stand out from what we’ve seen in the past. While new titles are coming out for all sorts of platforms every day, the rail shooter hasn’t seen too much exposure in recent years.