Increases the Kronus Necron Lord's movement speed by 33%.Increases the damage of all of the Kronus Necron Lord's weaponry by 25%.This effect stacks with Phylactery and Phase Shifter. Triples the Kronus Necron Lord's health regeneration rate.Increases the Kronus Necron Lord's morale by 200.Increases the Kronus Necron Lord's health by 500.The Kronus Necron Lord takes 20% less melee damage.Increases the Kronus Necron Lord's health by 100.Gives the Kronus Necron Lord a detection radius of 20.Increases melee damage by 30 and morale loss.
Allows Lukas to add Kasrkin Bodyguards to his personal retinue. Increases the maximum number of squad leaders by 1. Improves the morale of all Guardsmen Squad by 100. Gives a 5% bonus to the global requisition rate. Increases the movement speed of Lukas Alexander by 25%. Increases Lukas Alexander's health by 150 hit points. Reduces the ranged damage taken by Lukas Alexander by 30% (44% total with the Pauldrons). Increases Lukas Alexander's health by 350 hit points. Reduces the ranged damage taken by Lukas Alexander by 20% (44% total with the Chest Plate). Increases Lukas Alexander's health by 250 hit points. Increases the minimum damage of all of Lukas's ranged weaponry by 25%, maximum damage by 50%, and maximum range by 50%. Gives Lukas Alexander a detection range of 25. Permanently replaces Master-crafted power claws. Enables Farseer Taldeer's Rune Aura attack: 10 range, 100% accuracy, 1 s reload, 25 morale damage, 12.5 morale dps. Gives Farseer Taldeer a detection radius of 40. Decreases the ranged physical and morale damage taken by Farseer Taldeer by 25%. Increases the health of Farseer Taldeer by 300. Decreases the ability recharge time of Farseer Taldeer by 20%. Increases the health of Farseer Taldeer by 250. Increases the health of Farseer Taldeer by 600. Increases the sight radius of Farseer Taldeer by 20. Decreases the ability recharge time of Farseer Taldeer by 25%. Increases the health of Farseer Taldeer by 100. Permanently turns Eliphas the Inheritor into a Daemon Prince (he loses his Banner of Chaos ability). Activates Eliphas the Inheritor's Banner of Chaos ability, which damages enemy morale. Increases Eliphas the Inheritor's mass by 75, making him immune to knockdown. Increases Eliphas the Inheritor's Health by 150. Increases the damage of the Daemon Prince's Daemon Sword by 20%. Increases the damage of all of Eliphas the Inheritor's weaponry by 20% (excluding the Helm of Lorgar). Increases Eliphas the Inheritor's Health by 400. Enables the Helm of Lorgar melee weapon, increases melee damage by 50.
Gives Eliphas the Inheritor a detection radius of 30. Increases Eliphas the Inheritor's Health by 100. Increases ranged damage by 71, effective against buildings. 1 Eliphas the Inheritor (Chaos Space Marines)Įliphas the Inheritor (Chaos Space Marines).